Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Devotional and Historical

"It has happened more than once in the history of the Church, that some great conflict has carried the use of the Psalms out from the prayer-closet into the open spaces of a tumultuous world. The period of the reformation affords a striking example of this. We ourselves, who are just emerging from a time of great world-upheaval (probably in reference to World War I), have perhaps discovered, that the Psalter adapted itself to still other situations than we are accustomed to imagine. To be sure, these last tremendous years have not detracted in the least from its familiar usefulness as an instrument of devotion. But we have also found that voices from the Psalter accompanied us, when forced into the open to face the world-tempest, and that they sprang to our lips on accasions when otherwise we should have had to remain dumb in the presence of God's judgments. The experience sufficiently proves that there is material in the Pslams which it requires the large impact of history to bring to our consciousness in its full significance. It goes without saying that what can be prayed and sung now in theatro mundi was never meant for exclusive use in the oratory of the pious soul. This other aspect of the Psalter has not been produced by liturgical accommodation; it was in its very origin a part of the life and prayer and song of the writers themselves." - Geerhardus Vos, "The Pauline Eschatology", pgs. 323-324.

How true this is! There is far more application to our lives than in mere devotion. How do the Psalms apply to the world around us? Right now America has a President that is intent on changing our form of government and openly defies the fact that we are a Christian nation. The men he idolizes are all Socialists and Communists. Do you not understand that our way of life is in jeopardy? Does Psalm 2 have an application to the government in place right now? Not only in the U.S. but in many intensely evil governments that would pit themselves against God. Perhaps God is fulfilling Ps. 14:2 right now as He looks upon our country: "The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God." Perhaps 78:5-6 should spring to our lips when we consider the legalized murder we call abortion, "For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children: That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children."

The point being that there is undoubtedly application to each of us personally in our walks. To use the Psalms for personal devotion is well worth our time. But there are larger implications there as well when viewed beyond the micro level of our lives and considered in relation to the world. In times of trouble we see this more than ever, just as Vos has previously said was the case after WWI. In the same book Vos discusses the eschatological ramifications of the Psalter. So please, as we progress and learn together in this study, be willing to apply both devotionally and historically what you read and learn. Then the true beauty and application of the Psalms will undoubtedly unfold.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, "in theatro mundi" means "in the theater of the world" or could be just as easily said, "in history".
