Friday, July 30, 2010

Reformation by Zwingli

"While the truth encountered so many obstacles at Lucerne, it was victorious at Zurich. Zwingle was incessant in his labours. Wishing to examine the whole sacred volume in the original tongues, he zealously engaged in the study of Hebrew, under the direction of John Boschenstein, a pupil of Reuchlin. But if he studied Scripture, it was to preach it. The peasants who flocked to the market on Friday to dispose of their goods, shewed an eagerness to receive the Word of God. To satisfy their longings, Zwingle had begun, in December, 1520, to expound the Psalms every Friday after studying the original." - J.H. Merle D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation", pg. 242

So, we see that one of the greatest of the reformers used the Psalms as a chief tool of reform. It wasn't his only tool to be sure; but, it was used to preach to the people every Friday as an all important tool. Through this the Lord blessed his endeavors as we know history itself has attested to. So, we too, must study these Psalms. Learn them and share them. Be ready and willing to skillfully proclaim them to the world.

Luther called them "a little bible". For, as the Trinity Psalter says, "the Psalms are unrivaled as a complete guide of spiritual life - precisely what they are meant to be. In them we find the whole range of human emotions and experiences. The Psalms are authentic. The joy of praise, the pain of persecution, the comfort of sonship, the sorrow of death, the hope of heaven, and the cry for justice all find full expression, often with vivid realism." Absolutely! We must agree with this and feel its flame in our very hearts. With Zwingli let us use them to reform a society that is no longer merely inching its way away from God but running in a dead sprint. Let the magnitude of the Psalms find a home in our hearts and may they reform, instruct, comfort, and embolden us in the day to day living of our lives.

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